주요 숙어 정리
* http://sosal.tistory.com/
* made by so_Sal
하드에 저장되어있는 숙어 단어집입니다.
출처를 모르겠습니다. 저작권에 문제가 있다면 댓글주세요.
abide by ∼을 지키다(keep, await)
abide with ∼와 살다(live with)
abound in[with] ∼이 많다(be plentiful)
above all 특히(specially. mainly)
abstain from ∼을 그만두다(keep away from)
according as +절 ∼을 따라
according to +명사 ∼에 따라(in proportion to)
account for ∼을 설명하다 (explain)
add to ∼을 더하다(increase)
agree to 사람 ∼에 동의하다(consent to)
agree with 사물 ∼와 의견이 같다
all at once 돌연히(suddenly, all off a sudden)
all but 거의(almost)
and so on 기타 등등(and so forth)
all of a sudden 돌연히(all at once)
answer for ∼에 책임지다(be responsible for)
answer to ∼에 부합하다(correspond to)
anything but 결코∼이 아니다(never, not∼at all)
apply for ∼을 지원하다(volunteer for)
apply to -에 적합하다(concern, fit)
apply oneself to -에 몰두하다(devote oneself to)
as a rule 대체로(usually, on the whole)
as it were 말하자면(so to speak)
as for -에 관한(speaking of, as to)
as usual 주로(usually, on occasion)
as good as -와 같은 (no better than)
as a matter of course -은 물론(certainly)
as a matter of fact 사실상(really, in fact)
ask after 안부를 묻다(inquire after)
at a glance 첫눈에(at the first glance)
at a loss 어리둥절한(embarrassed)
at the best 기껏해야(at the most)
at last 마침내(finally, in the end)
at least 적어도(in the minimum)
at once 곧(immediately, right away)
at one''''''''''''''''s + 최상급 한창 -한(in the best state)
at one''''''''''''''''s wit''''''''''''''''s end 어찌할 바를 몰라서
at present 현재는(now)
at hand 가까이(near)
at second hand 간접적으로(indirectly)
at stake 위태로운(in danger)
at the mercy of -에 좌우되어
at times 때때로(sometimes, now and then)
attend on 시중들다(wait on, serve)
attend to -에 주의하다(pay attention to)
back and forth 이리저리(to and fro)
be accustomed to +(동)명사 -에 익숙하다
be apt at -에 능숙하다(be good at)
be badly off 궁색하다(be poor)
be well off 넉넉하다(be rich)
be becoming 어울리다(suit)
be bound to -하지 않을 수 없다
be capable of -할 수 있다(be able to)
be due to + 명사 -에 기인한다(owe ∼ to)
be due to + 동사 -할 예정이다(be expected to + V)
be equal to + 명사 -을 감당하다
be good at -을 잘하다(skilled, be proficient in)
be poor at -에 서툴다(not skilled)
be in the way 방해가 되다(interfere)
be on the way 진행중이다(going on)
be lost in -에 열중하다(be absorbed in)
be out of the question 불가능하다
be subject to (동)명사 -의 지배를 받다
be tired of 싫증나다(become weary)
be tired out 기진맥진하다(be exhausted)
be tired with 피곤한(become tired)
be up to -가 할 일이다, -의 책임이다
bear in mind 명심하다(keep in mind)
bear up 견디다(maintain, endure)
become of -가 어떻게 되다(happen to)
before long 머지않아(pretty soon)
begin with -에서 시작하다(start from)
behind time 시간에 늦은(late)
behind the times 시대에 뒤떨어진
believe in 존재를 믿다(accept as true)
beside oneself 제정신이 아닌(very upset)
beyond description 형언할 수 없는(inexpressible)
blow out 불어서 끄다(extinguish)
blow up -을 해산하다(explode)
break away 도망치다(go away suddenly)
break down 고장나다
break in 방해하다(intervent, interrupt)
break into 침입하다(enter by force)
break off -을 끝내다(terminate, discontinue)
break out 갑자기 일어나다(occur suddenly)
break up -을 해산하다(disperse)
bring on -을 초래하다(produce, present)
bring out 출판하다(produce, present)
bring up 기르다(rear, raise)
burn down 몽땅 타버리다(burn the ground)
burn out 못쓰게 되다(become useless)
burn up 다 타버리다(burn completely)
burst into 돌연히 시작하다(begin suddenly)
by all means 꼭(certainly, at all cost)
by means of -에 의하여(by the method of)
by no means 결코 -아닌(certainly not)
by and by 머지않아
by the way 그런데(incidentally)
by way of -을 경유하여(via)
by day 낮에는(in the day time)
by the day 일급으로(by daily wages)
be degrees 서서히(gradually)
by dint of -을 수단으로(by means of)
be far 훨씬(even, still)
be far from 결코 -이 아니다(never)
be leaps and bounds 급속도로(with rapidly)
by turns 번갈아(on after the other)
call at + 장소 방문하다(visit)
call on + 사람 방문하다
call down 꾸짖다(scold, reprimand)
call for 요구하다(demand, require)
call off 취소하다(cancel)
call up 전화를 걸다(telephone)
call upon 요구하다(ask)
care about -을 염려하다(worry about)
care for -을 좋아하다(like)
care to -을 바라다(desire)
carry on 계속하다(continue, manage)
carry out 성취하다(accomplish, fulfill)
catch sight of -을 찾아내다(discover)
catch up with -을 뒤따라 잡다(overtake)
check up 조회하다(inquire, examine)
come about 일어나다(happen)
come across -을 우연히 만나다
come by 얻다(acquire, obtain)
come in contact with -와 접촉하다
compare A to B A를 B에 비유하다
compare A with B A를 B와 비교하다
consist in -에 놓여있다(lie in)
consist of -로 구성되다(be composed of)
correspond to -와 일치하다(be similar to)
correspond with -와 서신 왕래하다
count on -을 믿다(rely on)
cut a fine figure 이채를 띠다
cut in 간섭하다(interrupt, break in)
day after day 매일매일(everyday)
day by day 나날이(daily, gradually)
day in and day out 날이면 날마다
deal in 장사하다(buy and sell)
deal with 다루다(treat)
depend on 의지하다(rely on, count on)
depend upon it 꼭(certainly)
deprive A of B A로부터 B를 빼앗다
devote oneself to -에 전념하다(apply oneself to)
distinguish A from B A와 B를 구별하다
do with 처리하다, 끝내서 만족하다
do without -없이 지내다(dispense with)
do away with -을 제거하다(abolish, remove)
drop in 잠깐 들르다(visit unexpectedly)
drop someone a line -에게 몇자 써 보내다
be due to + 명 -에 기인하다
be due to + 동 -할 예정이다
due to + 명 -때문에(owing to)
dwell in -에 살다(live in)
dwell on(upon) 숙고하다(ponder on)
engage in -에 종사하다(occupy in)
engage with 교전하다(enter into combat)
ever since 지금까지 줄곧(from then till now)
every other 하나 걸러(alternate)
excuse oneself 사과하다(make excuse)
exert oneself 노력하다(make an effort)
fail to + v -할 수 없다(cannot)
fall back on -에 의지하다(rely on)
fall behind -에 뒤떨어지다(lag)
fall on 공격하다(attack, chance upon)
fall in love with -와 사랑하게 되다
familiar to + 사람 잘 알려져 있는
familiar with + 사물 -에 정통한
far gone 기진맥진한(tired)
for one''''''''''''''''s life 필사적으로(desperately)
figure out 이해하다, 알아내다(make out)
find fault with 비난하다(blame, criticize)
for all -에도 불구하고(in spite of)
for all the world 결코(on any account)
for good 영원히(forever, permanently)
for nothing 공연히(uselessly, in vain)
for the most part 대개(mostly)
for the present 당분간(for the time being)
for the purpose of -할 목적으로
for the sake of -을 위하여
for want of -이 부족하여(through lack of)
free from -이 없다(have no, without)
from now on 앞으로(after this, in future)
from that time on 그때부터(since then)
from time to time 때때로(now and then)
get along 진전되다(progress, succeed)
get along with -와 사이좋게 지내다
get at -에 도달하다(reach)
get away 가버리다(go away, escape)
get back 돌아오다(return)
get better 좋아지다(become better)
get worse 악화되다(become worse)
get on -을 타다(board, mount)
get off 떠나다(leave, dismount)
get in touch with -와 접촉하다
get over 회복하다(recover from)
get rid of 제거하다(discard, get out of)
get the better of -에 이기다(defeat)
get through 끝내다(finish, bring to an end)
get to -에 도착하다(reach, arrive at)
get well 완쾌되다(recover, get over)
give in -에 굴복하다(surrender, yield)
give out -을 나누어주다(distribute)
give oneself to -에 열중하다
give up -을 포기하다(abandon, surrender)
go off 폭발하다(explode, leave suddenly)
go on 계속하다(continue)
go over 반복하다(repeat, examine)
go through 고통을 겪다(undergo)
had better + v -하는 편이 낫다
hand down 유산으로 남기다(bequeath)
hand out 나누어주다(distribute)
hand over 양도하다(deliver)
happen to 우연히 -하다(chance to)
hard of hearing 귀가 먼(partially deaf)
have done with -을 끝내다(finish)
have got to -하지 않으면 안된다(have to)
have on -을 입고 있다(be wearing)
have one''''''''''''''''s own way 자기 마음대로 하다
have time off 쉬다(have free time)
hear from -로부터 편지를 받다
hear of 소문을 들어서 알다
help oneself to -을 마음대로 먹다
hit on 눈에 띠다(come upon)
hold good 유효하다, 적용하다(apply, be effective)
in a hurry 허둥지둥하는(in haste)
in a sense 어느 의미로는(in a certain meaning)
in addition to 게다가(besides, moreover)
in advance 미리(beforehand)
in any case 어찌 되었든(anyhow, at any rate)
in behalf of -을 위하여(for the sake of)
in case 만일--이라면
in case of -의 경우에는(in the event of)
in consequence of -의 결과(as a result of)
in fact 요컨대(in short, as a matter of fact)
in fashion 유행중인(in current usage)
in(out of) fashion 유행에 있는(뒤떨어진)
in favor of -에 찬성하여(in support of)
in general 대개(generally, as a whole)
in good spirits 원기있게(vigorously)
in honor of -의 기념으로(in token of)
in need of -을 필요로 하는(necessary)
in other words 바꾸어 말하면(namely)
in particular 특히(particularly)
in place of -의 대신에(instead of)
in private 사적으로(privately)
in proportion as +절 -에 따라서
in proportion to + 명사 -에 따라서
inquire after -의 안부를 묻다(ask after)
inquire for -을 요청하다(ask for)
inquire -을 질문하다(ask of)
inquire into -을 조사하다(examine)
in regard to -에 관하여(with regard to)
in return for -의 보답으로(as repayment for)
in search of -을 찾아서(searching for)
in short 간단히 말해서(in a few words)
in sight 눈에 띠는(able to be seen)
out of sight 눈에 안 띠는(unable to be seen)
in spite of -에도 불구하고(for all)
insist on -을 주장하다(maintain)
in the face of -에도 불구하고(for all)
in (the) light of -의 견지에서(in view of)
in the long run 결국은(ultimately, finally)
in the presence of -의 면전에서(in front of)
in time 시간에 맞추어(within, early)
on time 정각에(punctually)
in token of -의 증거로(as a sign of)
in turn(s) 차례로(in succession, alternately)
in vain 헛되이(useless)
in view of 견지에서(considering)
in want of -이 결핍하여(in lack of)
into the bargain 그 위에(moreover)
keep abreast of 뒤떨어지지 않다(not behind)
keep an eye on 지켜보다(watch, guard)
keep away from -에 가까이 하지 않다(keep off)
keep company with -와 친하게 사귀다
keep -- from -을 -하지 못하게 하다
keep good time 꼭 맞다(run accurately)
keep -in mind 명심하다(bear-in mind)
keep up with -와 보조를 맞추다(keep pace with)
know by heart 기억하다(memorize)
know A from B A와 B를 구별하다
lacking in 부족한(deficient, short)
later on 나중에(afterward)
lay aside -을 저축하다(lay by, put aside)
lay out 투자하다(invest, make plans)
lead to -을 가져오다(produce, extend)
leave off 그치다(stop, discontinue)
leave out 생략하다(omit)
lest- should -하지 않도록(for fear that-should)
let alone -은 말할 것도 없이
let on 누설하다(reveal)
let up 그치다(cease, abate)
liable for -에 책임이 있는(responsible for)
lie in -에 있다(consist in)
likely to -할 것 같은(expected to)
little by little 조금씩(gradually)
live on 계속 살다(continue to live)
long for 갈망하다(yearn)
look after 돌보다(take care of)
look back on(upon) -을 회상하다(recollect)
look up to 존경하다(respect)
look down on -을 멸시하다(despise, scorn)
look forward to -을 학수고대하다(anticipate, expect)
look into 조사하다(investigate)
look on 방관하다(be a spectator)
look out 주의하다(be careful)
look over 검사하다(examine)
look up 찾아보다(search for)
lose no time in -ing 곧 -하다(do --at once)
lose heart 낙담하다(feel discouraged)
lose one''''''''''''''''s temper 화내다(become angry)
lose oneself 길을 잃다(get lost)
lose oneself in -에 열중하다
lose the day 패전하다(lose a battle)
make a face 얼굴을 찌푸리다(make faces)
make a fool of -을 바보 취급하다(ridicule)
make believe -인 체하다(pretend)
make both ends meet 수지를 맞추다
make clear 설명하다(explain, clarify)
make for -쪽으로 가다(move towards)
make light of -을 경시하다(neglect)
make much of -을 중히 여기다
make off 도망치다(escape, go away)
make out 이해하다(understand, succeed)
make up for -을 보상하다(compensate for)
make up one''''''''''''''''s mind -을 결심하다(decide)
make use of -을 이용하다(use)
make room for 자리를 양보하다(give place to)
make way for 진로를 열다(open a passage)
manage to 가까스로 -하다(contrive to)
may as well v. -하는 편이 낫다(had better)
may well v. -하는 것도 당연하다
mean to v. 의도하다(intend to)
meet with 우연히 만나다(come across)
more often than not 대개(frequently)
more or less 다소(somewhat)
next to none 최고의(the best)
next to nothing 거의 아무것도 아닌
no less than -만큼이나(as much as)
no longer 더 이상 -아니다(not -any longer)
none the less 그럼에도 불구하고(nevertheless)
not a few 적지 않은(수)(pretty many)
not a little 적지 않은(양)(much)
nothing but 겨우, 단지(only)
anything but 결코 -이 아니다(never)
now and then 때때로(occasionally)
now (that) 이제 -이므로(since, because)
object to -에 반대하다
occur to 생각나다(strike, cross one''''''''''''''''s mind)
of course 물론(naturally)
of late 최근에(recently)
off and on 불규칙하게(irregularly)
on and on 줄곧(continually)
off duty 비번인
on duty 당번인(engaged in one''''''''''''''''s regular work)
off limits 출입금지(inaccessible)
on limits 출입자유(accessible)
on account of 때문에(because of)
on a large scale 대규모로(in a large way)
on a pension(diet) 연금을 받는(다이어트 하는)
on behalf of -을 대신하여(in the serve of)
on boat 배위에(in a ship)
on earth 도대체(in the world)
on fire 불타는(burning)
on purpose 고의로(intentionally)
on the contrary 그 반대로(conversely)
once(and) for all 최종적으로(finally, definitely)
once in a while 이따금(occasionally)
out of place 부적당한(unsuitable)
out of question 의심할 바 없는(beyond doubt)
or so -쯤(thereabout)
out of breath 헐떡이며
out of date 구식의(old fashioned)
out of time 늦은(too late, unseasonable)
out of one''''''''''''''''s wits 정신을 잃고
out of order 고장난(not in working condition)
over again 다시 한번(once more again)
over and over 몇 번이고(time and again)
owe ∼ to -이 덕택이다(be indebted to)
owing to 때문에(because of)
part from + 사람 헤어지다(take leave)
part with + 사물 남에게 주다(give away)
pass for -으로 통하다(be regarded, be taken for)
pay attention to -에 주의하다(give attention to)
persist in 고집하다(refuse to give up)
pick out 선택하다(choose, select)
picture to oneself 상상하다(imagine)
play a trick on -에게 장난걸다
play a role in 역할을 하다(play a part in)
point out 지적하다(indicate)
(be)possessed of 소유하다(own, have)
(be)possessed with (마음이) 홀리다
prevent from 방해하여 못하게 하다(keep from)
provide ∼ with -에게 -를 공급하다
provided that 만일 -라면(supposing, if)
put an end to -을 끝내다(cause to end)
put away 챙겨두다(set aside)
put off 연기하다(postpone, take off)
put on (옷을) 입다(wear)
put out 끄다(extinguish, exclude)
put together 모으다(assemble)
put up 세우다(erect, construct)
put up at -에 묵다(stop at)
put up with -을 참다(endure, stand)
quite a few (꽤) 많은(a good many)
rain cats and dogs 비가 억수같이 퍼붓다
read through 통독하다
recover from -에서 회복되다(get well)
refer to 언급하다(speak of, record)
reflect on 숙고하다(ponder, cogitate)
regard --as -을 -로 간주하다(look on-as)
regardless of -에 상관없이
rely on 믿고 의지하다(depend on, trust)
remind A of B A에게 B를 생각나게 하다
resort to 자주 다니다(go frequently), 호소하다
rest on -에 의존하다(depend on)
result in -로 끝나다(end in)
right away 즉시(immediately, at once)
right now 곧(at once, right away)
rob A of B A에게서 B를 강탈하다
run across -을 우연히 만나다(find unexpectedly)
run against -와 충돌하다(collide with)
run away 도망치다(leave without notice)
run into 우연히 -만나다(meet- by chance)
run out of -을 다써버리다(run short of)
run over 다시 검토하다(review, strike)
run the risk 모험을 무릅쓰다(take risks)
safe and sound 무사히(safely)
search into -을 조사하다(look into, inquire)
search for -을 찾다(seek, try to find)
second to none 누구에게도 뒤지지 않는(the best)
see after -를 돌보다(take care of)
see -- off 전송하다
see to 돌보다(take care of), 유념하다
seeing that -이기 때문에(since, now that)
set about -하기 시작하다(begin, set to work)
set in 시작되다(begin, start)
set off 출발하다(start a journey of race)
set out 착수하다(begin, leave)
set up 세우다(erect, put together)
share --with -와 공유하다(have -in common)
show off 자랑하다(boast)
show up 나타나다 (appear, stand out)
shut up 꼭 닫다(close, stop talking)
sit up 늦게까지 자지 않고 앉아 있다
so far 여태까지(till now, up to now)
so far as I am concerned 나로서는
so long as -하는 한(if only)
speak ill of -을 나쁘게 말하다(abuse)
speak well of -을 좋게 말하다(praise)
stand by -을 지지하다(side with)
stand for 나타내다(represent, support)
stand to reason 이치에 맞다
stand up for 옹호하다(depend, support)
steal away 살그머니 사라지다
stick to -에 집착하다(adhere to, cling to)
stir up 선동하다(incite, arise)
succeed in -에 성공하다(have success in)
succeed to -의 뒤를 잇다(follow)
suffer from -으로 고통받다(be troubled by)
sum up 요약하다(summarize)
support oneself 자립하다
take a look at -을 보다(look at)
take advantage of + 사람 -을 속이다
take advantage of + 사물 -을 이용하다
take after -을 닮다(look, resemble)
take apart 분배하다(disassemble)
take care of -을 돌보다(watch)
take charge of -을 책임지다
take A for B A를 B로 잘못 보다
take --for granted -을 당연히 여기다
take into account 고려하다(consider)
take leave of 작별하다(say goodby to)
take off 이륙하다(remove)
take over 떠맡다(assume control of)
take part in 참가하다(participate in)
take place 일어나다(happen, occur)
take turns 교대로 하다(alternate)
tell--from 구별하다(know-from)
ten to one 십중팔구
tend to -의 경향이 있다
that is 바꾸어 말하면, 즉(namely, in other words, i.e.)
think highly of -을 중시하다
think over 숙고하다(consider carefully)
to and fro 이리 저리로(up an down)
to make matters worse 설상가상으로
to say nothing of -은 말할 것도 없이
to the full 마음껏 충분히
to the point 요령 있는(to the purpose)
try on 입어보다(test before buying)
turn off 끄다(stop, close, extinguish)
turn out -로 판명되다(prove)
vie with 경쟁하다(compete with)
wait for 기다리다, 기대하다(await, expect)
wait on 시중들다
within one''''''''''''''''s reach -의 손이 닿는 곳에
without fail 틀림없이(certainly)
write down 적어두다(record)
yield to 굴복하다(surrender, give way to)
zealous for -을 열망하는(eager for)